Cons-Endo day was proposed by IACDE to increase the awareness among general population and dental community at large to increase the awareness about the speciality. It was celebrated in Kalka dental college and Hospital under the leadership of Mr.Anil Mehrotra sir and Mr. Anubhav Mehrotra sir and under the guidance of our dynamic Principal Dr. S.k. Salaria sir . As Kalka dental College already celebrating this week on grand scale from past few years, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics has taken a leap ahead and involved general public by introducing games, plantation drive for dental awarness. We are pleased and delighted to introduce innumerable activites including Poster presentations, Case presentations by our Post graduate and interns. Best out of waste, Cavity preparations ,Root canal exercise followed by the Fun Activities: viz TOOTH FIT HEALTH FIT MARATHON all spread over the entire Cons Endo Week 2023
Event organiser :
Dr. Panna Mangat Prof and HOD
Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics
Event coordinators : Dept staff and Post graduates
Special mention: Dr. Neeraj Kant Pawar - for His support during Tooth Fit Health. Fit Marathon