Oral & maxillofacial surgery specializes in diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the mouth, jaws, face and neck. Oral & maxillofacial surgery is a unique branch and is often seen as a bridge between medicine and dentistry treating conditions that requires expertise from both backgrounds such as head and neck cancers, salivary gland diseases, facial fractures, aesthetic surgeries, facial pain, TMJ disorders, impacted teeth, cyst and tumors of jaws. Our esteemed institution has 250 bedded hospital well equipped with ICU and 24 hour trauma facility. We at Kalka Dental College offer range of services including simple procedures viz tooth extraction, impactions, apicoectomy, to complex maxillofacial trauma. Faculty members actively participate in various national and international conferences. The Department every year organizes a special camp for facial deformities on Maxillofacial Day (13th February) and keep organizing camps to make people aware for various maxillofacial diseases and defects.